Deployment with CI/CD

The deployment process is different for development, staging, and production environments.

  • Development: Best for short-term deployments to simulate a production environment as closely as possible. Useful for deploying feature branches before merging into master.
  • Staging: The last "testing" environment to catch bugs before reaching production. Reserved for the latest commit on master.
  • Production: User facing website! Changes being pushed to production should be thoroughly tested on a developer's local machine and in development and staging environments.


  1. Go to the actions page.


    Github Actions Page

  2. Ensure "Deploy to Development" is the selected action on the left sidebar.


    Deploy to Development Sidebar Button

  3. Navigate to the "Run workflow" dropdown on the right. Select your branch and input a time to live in hours. Please keep this value a reasonable number.


    Deploy to Development Action Menu

  4. Once the action starts running, click into the action and watch the status of each step. If the deployment fails, the action will fail as well.


    Deploy to Development Action Running You can view the logs of each step by navigating the left sidebar. Deploy to Development Action Logs

  5. After the action succeeds, go to, where abcdefg is the first 7 characters of the latest commit's hash. This is also shown on the summary tab of an action workflow. A hyperlink to the deployment is also available near the bottom of the Summary page of the workflow run.

    Example Success Deployment Log
    ======= CLI Version =======
    Drone SSH version 1.8.0
    Release "bt-dev-app-69d94b6" does not exist. Installing it now.
    Digest: sha256:e3d020b8582b8b4c583f026f79e4ab2b374386ce67ea5ee43aa65c6b334f9db0
    W1204 22:20:37.827877 2103423 warnings.go:70] unknown field ""
    W1204 22:20:37.827939 2103423 warnings.go:70] unknown field ""
    W1204 22:20:37.827947 2103423 warnings.go:70] unknown field ""
    W1204 22:20:37.827952 2103423 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.template.env"
    W1204 22:20:37.827956 2103423 warnings.go:70] unknown field ""
    NAME: bt-dev-app-69d94b6
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Dec  4 22:20:36 2024
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    Waiting for deployment "bt-dev-app-69d94b6-backend" rollout to finish: 0 of 2 updated replicas are available...
    Waiting for deployment "bt-dev-app-69d94b6-backend" rollout to finish: 1 of 2 updated replicas are available...
    deployment "bt-dev-app-69d94b6-backend" successfully rolled out
    deployment "bt-dev-app-69d94b6-frontend" successfully rolled out
    ✅ Successfully executed commands to all hosts.

    Deploy to Development Link


The staging CI/CD pipeline is automatically run on every push to master (currently gql). The staging website can be viewed at


The production CI/CD pipeline is manually run with a process similar to the development pipeline. However, the production pipeline can only be run on master and gql.