Welcome to the backend section.
What is the backend?
The backend application service is the user-facing API server responsible for serving data to the frontend. Communication between the backend and frontend is done with HTTPS, as do most websites on the modern internet. To see more on how the backend service interacts with other components in the Berkeleytime system, view the architecture page
The Berkeleytime Backend Service
The Tech Stack
The backend uses the following technologies:
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Runtime Environment: NodeJS
- Web Server Framework: ExpressJS
- GraphQL Server1: Apollo Server
As opposed to a simpler REST API, Berkeleytime uses a GraphQL API design. This creates a more flexible backend API and allows the frontend to be more expressive with its requests.
Codebase Organization
The backend codebase has a simple folder layout, as described below.
├── src
│ └── bootstrap # Bootstrapping and loading of backend dependencies
│ └── index.ts # Bootstrapping/Loading entrypoint.
│ └── modules # Business logic of the app divided by domain.
│ └── index.ts # Modules entrypoint.
│ ├── utils # Collection of utility function
│ ├── config.ts # Handles environment variable loading
│ └── main.ts # Backend entrypoint
└── codegen.ts # GraphQL code generation configuration file
Here is a list of services bootstrapped by the files in src/bootstrap
- Web Server Framework: ExpressJS
- GraphQL Server: Apollo Server
- Authentication: Passport
- MongoDB ORM: Mongoose
- Cache Connection: Redis
The bulk of the application logic is split into separate modules within the src/modules
directory. A module contains a collection of files necessary to serve the GraphQL queries for its domain. The file structure of the modules are all very similar. Below is the user module as an example:
├── src
│ └── modules
│ └── user # User module (as an example)
│ └── generated-types # Generated types from codegen
│ └── module-types.ts # Relevant Typescript types of GraphQL type definitions
│ └── typedefs # GraphQL type definitions
│ └── [schema].ts # A type definition for a schema
│ ├── controller.ts # Collection of DB-querying functions
│ ├── formatter.ts # (Optional) Formats DB models to GraphQL type
│ ├── index.ts # Entrypoint to the module
│ └── resolver.ts # GraphQL resolver
Inside a Module
The above diagram shows a simplified request-to-response pipeline within a module.
A GraphQL request is sent to the backend server. A request looks like a JSON skeleton, containing only keys but no values. The request is "routed" to the specific module.1
The resolver handles the request by calling the specific controller method necessary.
- For more information on how the resolver should be designed, it is recommended to consult the Apollo Server documentation on resolvers.
The controller queries the Mongo database, using user input to filter documents.
- We use Mongoose as an abstraction layer between our application logic and MongoDB queries.2 Both Mongoose docs and MongoDB docs on queries are valuable resources.
The formatter translates the DB response from a database type, from
, into a GraphQL type, from[module]/generated_types/module-types.ts
.- Note that not all modules have a formatter because the database type and GraphQL type are sometimes identical.
Finally, the result is returned as a GraphQL response in the shape of a JSON, matching the query from step 1.3
In runtime, all of the modules and type definitions are merged into one by src/modules/index.ts
, so there isn't any explicit "routing" in our application code.
The Mongoose abstraction is very similar to the built-in MongoDB query language.
Fields not requested are automatically removed.
Database Models
In addition to the API server, the backend service is responsible for managing MongoDB usage—specifically, how our data is organized and defined through collections, models, and indexes.
├── apps
│ └── backend # Backend codebase
├── packages # Shared packages across apps
│ └── common
│ └── src
│ └── models # All database models
│ └── [model].ts # Example model file
A model file will contain TypeScript types mirroring the database model, a Mongoose model definition, and database index declarations.
// packages/common/src/models/term.ts
// defines TypeScript type for nested object
export interface ISessionItem { /* ... */ }
// defines TypeScript type for term object
export interface ITermItem { /* ... */ }
// defines Mongoose schema using TypeScript type
const termSchema = new Schema<ITermItem>({ /* ... */ });
// defines database indexes
termSchema.index( /* ... */ );
// creates Mongo model instance
export const TermModel: Model<ITermItem> = model<ITermItem>(
Testing the API
To test the GraphQL API, it is recommended to first seed the local database in order to have data.
API testing is mainly done through the Apollo GraphQL Sandbox available at http://localhost:8080/api/graphql
when the backend container is running. While the UI is helpful for creating queries for you, it is highly recommended to review the GraphQL docs, specifically these pages: