Local Development

Starting up the Application

Local development has a few local dependencies:


# ./berkeleytime

# Continue installation of dependencies.
pre-commit install

Currently, the main development occurs on the gql branch. Please make sure you are on this branch!

# ./berkeleytime
git switch gql

# Create .env from template file
cp .env.template .env

# Setup local code editor intellisense.
npm install
npx turbo run generate

# Ensure Docker Desktop is running. Start up application
docker compose up -d

Common Commands

Upon changing any GraphQL typedefs, the generated types must be regenerated:

# ./berkeleytime
npx turbo run generate

Seeding Local Database

A seeded database is required for some pages on the frontend.

# ./berkeleytime

# Ensure the MongoDB instance is already running.
docker compose up -d

# Download the data
curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/berkeleytime/public/stage_backup.gz

# Copy the data and restore
docker cp ./stage_backup.gz berkeleytime-mongodb-1:/tmp/stage_backup.gz
docker exec berkeleytime-mongodb-1 mongorestore --drop --gzip --archive=/tmp/stage_backup.gz