Local & Remote Development

Local Development

The datapuller inserts data into the Mongo database. Thus, to test locally, a Mongo instance must first be running locally and be accessible to the datapuller container. To run a specific puller, the datapuller must first be built, then the specific puller must be passed as a command1. After modifying any code, the container must be re-built for changes to be reflected.

# ./berkeleytime

# Start up docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d

# Build the datapuller-dev image
docker build --target datapuller-dev --tag "datapuller-dev" .

# Run the desired puller. The default puller is main.
docker run --volume ./.env:/datapuller/apps/datapuller/.env --network bt \
    "datapuller-dev" "--puller=courses"

The valid pullers are courses, classes, sections, grades, enrollments, and main.


If you do not need any other services (backend, frontend), then you can run a Mongo instance independently from the docker-compose.yml configuration. However, the below commands do not allow data persistence.

# Run a Mongo instance. The name flag changes the MONGO_URI.
# Here, it would be mongodb://mongodb:27017/bt?replicaSet=rs0.
docker run --name mongodb --network bt --detach "mongo:7.0.5" \
    mongod --replSet rs0 --bind_ip_all

# Initiate the replica set.
docker exec mongodb mongosh --eval \
    "rs.initiate({_id: 'rs0', members: [{_id: 0, host: 'mongodb:27017'}]})"

Here, I reference the Docker world's terminology. In the Docker world, the ENTRYPOINT instruction denotes the the executable that cannot be overriden after the image is built. The CMD instruction denotes an argument that can be overriden after the image is built. In the Kubernetes world, the ENTRYPOINT analogous is the command field, while the CMD equivalent is the args field.

Remote Development

The development CI/CD pipeline marks all datapuller CronJobs as suspended, preventing the datapuller jobs to be scheduled. To test a change, manually run the desired puller.