
Manually run datapuller

  1. First, list all cronjob instances:

    k get cronjob
  2. Then, create a job from the specific cronjob:

    k create job --from cronjob/[cronjob name] [job name]

    For example:

    k create job --from cronjob/bt-prod-datapuller-courses bt-prod-datapuller-courses-manual-01

Previewing Infra Changes with /helm-diff before deployment

The /helm-diff command can be used in pull request comments to preview Helm changes before they are deployed. This is particularly useful when:

  1. Making changes to Helm chart values in infra/app or infra/base
  2. Upgrading Helm chart versions or dependencies
  3. Modifying Kubernetes resource configurations

To use it:

  1. Comment /helm-diff on any pull request
  2. The workflow will generate a diff showing:
    • Changes to both app and base charts
    • Resource modifications (deployments, services, etc.)
    • Configuration updates

The diff output is formatted as collapsible sections for each resource, with a raw diff available at the bottom for debugging.

Uninstall ALL development helm releases

h list --short | grep "^bt-dev-app" | xargs -L1 h uninstall

Development deployments are limited by CI/CD. However, if for some reason the limit is bypassed, this is a quick command to uninstall all helm releases starting with bt-dev-app.

Force uninstall ALL helm charts in "uninstalling" state

helm list --all-namespaces --all | grep 'uninstalling' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} helm delete --no-hooks {}

Sometimes, releases will be stuck in an uninstalling state. This command quickly force uninstalls all such stuck helm releases.

New sealed secret deployment

  1. SSH into hozer-51.

  2. Create a new secret manifest with the key-value pairs and save into my_secret.yaml:

    k create secret generic my_secret -n bt --dry-run=client --output=yaml \
        --from-literal=key1=value1 \
        --from-literal=key2=value2 > my_secret.yaml
  3. Create a sealed secret from the previously created manifest:

    kubeseal --controller-name bt-sealed-secrets --controller-namespace bt \
        --secret-file my_secret.yaml --sealed-secret-file my_sealed_secret.yaml

    If the name of the secret might change across installations, add --scope=namespace-wide to the kubeseal command. For example, bt-dev-secret and bt-prod-secret are different names. Deployment without --scope=namespace-wide will cause a no key could decrypt secret error. More details on the kubeseal documentation.

  4. The newly create sealed secret encrypts the key-value pairs, allowing it to be safely pushed to GitHub.

Steps 2 and 3 are derived from the sealed-secrets docs.

Kubernetes Cluster Initialization

On (extremely) rare occasions, the cluster will fail. To recreate the cluster, follow the instructions below (note that these may be incomplete, as the necessary repair varies):

  1. Install necessary dependencies. Note that you may not need to install all dependencies. Our choice of Container Runtime Interface (CRI) is containerd with runc. You will probably not need to configure the cgroup driver (our choice is systemd), but if so, make sure to set it in both the kubelet and containerd configs.

  2. Initialize the cluster with kubeadm.

  3. Install Cilium, our choice of Container Network Interface (CNI). Note that you may not need to install the cilium CLI tool.

  4. Follow the commands in infra/ one-by-one, ensuring each deployment succeeds, up until the bt-base installation.

  5. Because the sealed-secrets instance has been redeployed, every SealedSecret manifest must be recreated using kubeseal and the new sealed-secrets instance. Look at the sealed secret deployment runbook.

  6. Now, each remaining service can be deployed. Note that MongoDB and Redis must be deployed before the backend service, otherwise the backend service will crash. Feel free to use the CI/CD pipeline to deploy the application services.